Why it's better to party
on Saturdays than on Fridays

(Especially for women)

The Criminality Information Group of the Colombian Police published more than 27,000 records of sexual crimes commited during the year 2016. Based on this information, I decided to start a small project in order to visualize the data and extract insights that may (or may not) be useful in addressing the issue.

Sexual crimes by day and month

The following graphic shows the number of sexual crimes registered in Colombia during 2016, organized by sex of the victim and day of the week. As you can see, most of the victims are women and the most dangerous day is Friday. Saturday, in contrast, has one of the lowest values.

Just kidding.

As these conclusions depend entirely on the trustworthiness of the raw data and a small amount of pre processing, they should not be taken very seriously. Rather, this project should show how useful an adequate process of data collection would be in tackling these crimes. Let's share this and put some pressure on our government to ensure quality in the data they recover!